Friday, December 4, 2015

iPhone Credit Card Processing for Tradesmen

Mobile Payment Processing Advantages

As a plumber, locksmith, carpenter or any other skilled trade that caters to residential customers, you are probably often asked - Do you accept credit cards? To which you would probably respond with a quizzical look "Cash or Check only". Most likely, this would cause a great deal of hustle and bustle from the customer, either counting out dollars or trying to locate the checkbook to pay your fee. Not only is this potentially embarrassing for your customer, but it is a waste of time as well. In your line of work, time equals money.

Mobile payment processing, has the distinct advantage of enabling you to process charges anywhere your cell phone has reception. Simply attach the USB Swiper to your phone and swipe the clients credit card. Done. Mobile processing has never been easier. A receipt is instantly generated, and if you have a touchscreen phone ala iPhone or Android, your customer can sign the receipt instantly. She can even add a tip! This is all done from one simple screen, without any navigation or technical know how. Never lose a sale for not accepting credit cards again.

As a tradesmen, your work schedule can definitely be grueling - midnight emergency calls, septic tank explosions and various deadlines are just the tip of the iceberg. For the most part bookkeeping is a hassle and never gets done. It is for this exact reason our mobile credit card processing has the best reporting in the industry. Every transaction along with its receipt is stored online for your convenience, to check up on whenever you have the time. No more open ended invoices, piles of paper or other clutter that do not make sense. This is a simple processing solution with even simpler reporting.

In regard to security and data encryption, mobile credit card processing is fully PCI compliant. Meaning, you never have to worry about your customers credit card information getting into the wrong hands. Additionally, this means nothing will stop the payments from going to your bank account.

The ability to accept credit cards will definitely increase your bottom line. Never wait while your client has count out bills or balance a checkbook.

The security, mobility, and flexibility of cellphone payment processing are really without peer in the current marketplace of running mobile sales. If your sales are mobile, don't miss this essential trend.

For more information about cellphone payment processing follow the link.

Copyright (c) 2011 Mike Hawk

For more information about Mike or to find out how your business can can benefit from accepting credit cards online or at a place of business visit

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