Friday, December 11, 2015

Elavon Merchant Services Review

Merchant Services Review

Elavon is a relatively large merchant service provider as well as a credit card processor. Elavon offers web based services, hosted gateways, check processing, and PCI programs for their customers. Originally two separate companies (euroConex and NOVA Information Systems,) after the merger they set up operations in Atlanta, Georgia. According to their records, they have a client base of over 1 million across the globe, however the bulk of their business is focused in the North American and European regions. Their online payment gateway, InternetSecure, integrates with, a popular online processor.

The bulk of their new business is built out through 3rd party resellers, sales organizations, as well as ISO/MSP and independent agents. Their sales tactic is congruent with many other large merchant service companies, which can be both a positive as well as a negative for their overall business. The good news is that they can package their services with 3rd party systems and gateway providers, as well as give discounted rates through their 3rd party providers. For example, Costco is one of their largest resellers and offers very competitive rates. The bad part is people have a difficult time differentiating Elavon from its independent 3rd party providers. This can lead to issues when these 3rd parties operate outside the realm of good business practices. When people log complaints against their sales rep, they often believe it is Elavon the company, rather than a representative. A few strategically placed bad complaints can have dire consequences for the provider.

For international merchants, Elavon is a very good choice since they offer payment settlement in 16 currencies, as well as a platform for authorization in almost 90 different currencies. In many cases, Elavon can automatically charge an international transaction in the merchant's home currency.

For more information about merchant services, Elavon or payment processing, check out

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